How many guests can your space accommodate?

Occupancy varies by floor:

1st floor Dining only : 55 people or 75 people dining & standing

2nd floor Dining only : 50 people or 75 people dining & standing

What is the rental fee? What does it include?

The rental fee varies on the type of event you have and what day of the week you hold your event. The rental fee includes the rental of the venue, tables and chairs.

How do I reserve One11Madison for my event?

To secure your date, a 30% non-refundable deposit is required, along with a signed contract. You’re welcome to pay as you see fit, as long as your remaining balance is 100% fulfilled 30 days prior to your event. Failure to fulfill your balance 30 days prior will result in contract voidance or additional fees. Should an event be booked less than 30 days of the actual event, the full amount is due.

Can floors be rented individually?  Yes

Will the site be shared with another group?

Given that we are a multi-floor venue, there is always a possibility that another patron/event may have another floor booked at the same time as you. If this is the case, we will alert you at first notice.

How many hours does the rental fee reserve the space? Are there any charges for overtime? When do they begin?

You will have use of the facility for 4-6 hours for weekday events and 8 hours for weekend events. This includes time to unload, set up and clean up. Overtime is $200.00 per hour and begins 30 minutes after the set time in your rental contract. All events are to end at midnight, including time for cleanup.

All other events allotted will be discussed prior to the signing of the contract.

Can I choose my own caterer?

We believe in giving you the freedom to select all your own vendors, if that is convenient for you. We do have a Preferred Vendor list available, but you are not limited to those vendors. If you decide to select your own personal caterer, you may be required to pay an outside vendor's fee.

Can I provide my own alcohol?

Yes, but on a case by case basis. (Permit pending)

Are there adequate kitchen facilities?

Yes. We have an industry-grade kitchen equipped with a stove refrigerator, microwave, sink and spacious countertops.

Restrictions on Decor or Setup?

Yes, no open flames, glitter or punctures to walls. Decorations should not leave any kind of residue. No signage or decorations may be permanently affixed. No tacking, nailing, or gluing is permitted. No silly string, confetti may be used for decoration inside or outside One11 Madison. The use of fireworks (except sparklers) are prohibited.


If you cancel your event, your deposit WILL NOT be returned. You are welcome to choose another date if available but may be charged a rescheduling fee to do so.  We recognize that unforeseen circumstances happen and will use its judgment and manage each case as we see fit. All cancellations must be submitted in writing. You may not cancel over the phone or via voicemail.

How close is the parking to the venue?

Valet parking is available at The Hu Hotel, as well as parking garages (First Place Parking at 21 S Second St. and Premium Parking at 60 Madison Ave.)

Am I responsible for any of the cleaning?

All items brought in by you, your vendors, or your guests will need to be removed. All the tables should be cleared. The kitchen and bar should be free of food and beverages and wiped down. After all of the trash is gathered, the trash bags should be placed in the dumpster provided on the property.

Can I drop off items for storage the day before my event?

No, unfortunately. One11Madison cannot be held responsible for items left in the venue. All items are to arrive when you or your vendors arrive and are to be taken off the property when your event ends.

Is there internet or Wi-Fi provided on-site?

Our WI-FI password will be given prior to the event.

Are food & beverage services permitted in the venue?

It is highly recommended that our clients select from our Preferred Vendors list. This list is comprised of servicers who have an established relationship with One11Madison, are familiar with the facilities and the required rules and regulations, respect One11Madison and have an excellent reputation. If there will be alcohol served at your event, an alcohol catering permit must be completed, approved, and submitted to Management at least 5 days prior to your event.

Can I set up a photoshoot if I’m not a booked client? Yes, $150 per hour but on a case by case basis.

Parking? Yes we have Valet & the parking garage is @ the corner of Madison / 2nd

Refund on 2nd floor Experiences ? All sales are final and they are not transferable

Dinner Reservations? Yes, please make all dinner reservations via Yelp

** please note open table has a maximum limit of 6 people per party size, should your party size exceed this amount - here is a suggestion - attempt to make 2 separate reservations that cover your guests

Note+ we can not guarantee you will be seated next to each other. We will try our very best. If your headcount exceeds this count, please refer to our large party policy page (insert direct link)

Do we have a vegan friendly menu? No we are vegetarian friendly, view Our Menu

Parking? Yes we have Valet & the parking garage is @ the corner of Madison / 2nd